Confined Space Entry

Silver Spring, MD, MD

No matter what type of business you own, safety is important. It's easy to become carefree with safety after a while. However, it's important to keep accidents in mind, and to do all that you can to prevent them. We are here to help you keep everyone in your workplace safe and secure. We are B N T Industrial Instruments Inc. in Silver Spring, MD. In some situations, extra care and concern are needed. One example of this is when respirator testing is needed. Breathing is not something to play around with. Confined space entry is another concern. Confined space entry involves small, enclosed spaces that one would not spend a significant amount of time in. Some examples of confined spaces include pipelines, manholes and vaults. These areas have limited entry and exit space. Training to get in and out is needed for anyone who must spend time in these areas. Training helps ensure a quick exit in the event of an emergency. Visit our helpful website at Here you'll find information about these types of testing and training and so much more.

Do you have noisy neighbors around your property? Are these noisy neighbors interfering with your business and your employees' concentration? Call on us for outdoor noise control. Many companies are surprised to learn that outdoor noise control options exist. Don't let the noise of others impact the productivity and comfort of those in your building. Call us about all of your safety and comfort concerns. Our knowledgeable staff is more than happy to discuss all of your needs. Together we can come up with a plan. Call our office or visit the website for helpful information. We look forward to serving you and your company. Let us help you make safety and security a priority in your company.