Indoor Air Quality Testing

Washington DC, MD, MD

Here at B N T Industrial Instruments Inc. in Washington, DC, we know that poor air quality isn't always easy to notice. That's why indoor air quality testing is so important. Indoor air quality testing can detect even low levels of air contaminants. The impact of poor air quality isn't always drastic; in some cases it results in a headache, sinus pressure, or even a general blah feeling, where you don't feel terrible, but, you don't really feel good either. In many cases, these symptoms are ignored or just chalked up to a normal everyday ailment. Don't suffer in silence; poor air quality can very well be the culprit. Have the air checked and then take it from there. Air filters or duct cleaning may just solve the problem and get you back to feeling great and breathing in better air. Give us a call to see how we can help you determine whether or not the air quality in your property is as good as it should be. You'll surely breathe easier knowing.

Something that can easily impact the quality of air in a building is the ventilation system. It's a good idea to have a ventilation system evaluation periodically. A ventilation system evaluation ensures that your system is taking out the bad air and bringing in the good. A ventilation system that's not working property can result in a stuffy and uncomfortable work environment. The space may be too hot or too cold. The air will not be as fresh as it should be. Odors can also be caused by a ventilation system that's not working right. If you need help determining whether your system is working as it should, give us a call, or check out our website at Our website offers a wealth of information for you.