Equipment Fabrication

Edgewood, MD, MD

Most employers want to keep their employees safe. They want to follow OSHA standards, but they simply might not understand them or know exactly how to ensure that they're followed. That's where we come in. We are B N T Industrial Instruments Inc. in Edgewood, MD. We provide a variety of services from equipment fabrication to hearing conservation. Whether you want your air quality tested, your ventilation system evaluated, or you need a respirator fit test performed, call us. We're happy to come out, meet with you, and discuss all of our services, and which ones will benefit you, your employees and your business. Our skilled professionals are experts in workplace safety. In addition to equipment fabrication, we can also handle your indoor and outdoor noise control. We can quickly tell you where and how to reduce noise in the workplace. You might be surprised to learn all of the ways that workplace noise can be reduced. Hearing loss doesn't have to be a normal part of work. It can be controlled and minimized. The result can be a better environment for all of your workers.

If you want to learn more about hearing conservation or any of our other services, take a look at our website If after looking over the website, you have any questions or there's any way that we can help you, give us a call. We can provide you with the solutions you need to keep everyone within your building safe. Make sure that your workers are breathing easy, with air and ventilation testing. Keep those who enter the tank, vault or silo safe and secure should they have to escape. Everything you do that improves safety is a great thing for everyone involved. We are standing by ready to help you do this.